Final Reflections

“We learn by doing because we do by learning” – Saji Ijiyemi One of my learning objectives going into the International Development Research (IDR) experience was to develop my professional capability to create pathways for impact to be understood and transferrable to a variety of stakeholders who hold different beliefs, values and knowledge systems. This intention … More Final Reflections

Ninh Binh

Day 6: Our next stop in making our way down south was Ninh Binh, one of the most authentic places of Vietnam, overlooking hundreds of limestone cliffs that emerged in between rice fields in and around the town. There’s always a ‘suggested’ time of the year to go to a certain destination, and February wasn’t … More Ninh Binh

Halong Bay

Day 4:  Remember when we all learnt about the seven natural wonders of the world back in primary school? Well 15 years down the track, I’ve forgotten most if not all of them! Not knowing this very important fact, I’ve only ever imagined Halong Bay through all the Instagram pictures up until this point. Known … More Halong Bay

Vietnam 2018.

I woke up one day thinking that I need to start my travel journey! Since I classify myself as a ‘broke’ adult who lives off a heavily improvised budget, I thought, why not start of with the most budget friendly of them all, Vietnam! When I saw that we ride our bikes around rice fields … More Vietnam 2018.